
I work as a Software Engineer at Datadog where I do backend engineering for the Continuous Profiler product and its data streaming infrastructure.

Previously, I was an Meng student at MIT in CSAIL’s Data Systems Group. My research focused on building complex database queries with visual interfaces and optimizing spatial data index performance. Among other things, I’ve also worked on text analytics tools for data scientists. In industry, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a notification queueing system, a backend system using blockchain data structures, and microservices for authentication.


May (2021): Started at Datadog on the Continuous Profiling team, focusing on backend infrastructure. Excited to learn more about performance engineering.

February (2021): Submitted my master’s thesis on visual interfaces for database updates using pan+zoom visualizations. Read more about my thesis here.

May (2020): Finished a great second semester as an Meng, where I got to take 6.824 (Distributed Systems) and TA 6.033 (Computer Systems). Among other things, I learned how to roll my own Raft implementation in Go and build a distributed key-value server using it.